Why I Think I Don’t Like Easter

I love Christmas. The next two weeks are my favorite time of the year. I love the anticipation of it all. My friend, Ben, once said, “The best place in line is next.” I totally agree. The next two weeks are filled with magical, mysterious anticipation. I’ll love every minute of it.

So what’s my problem with Easter? Isn’t the anticipation of the resurrection a good thing? Yes, but there’s a big difference between the anticipation of Christmas and the anticipation of Easter–aside from all the presents. Leading up to Christmas, there really aren’t any unpleasant events. I don’t mean the Christmas party or family member you’d prefer to avoid. I’m talking about the actual Christmas story.

If you’re a woman, you may be saying, “No unpleasant events?! Hold on a minute! What about traveling on a donkey while nine months pregnant then giving birth in a stable?”

Okay, I know Mary had it rough. I’m not minimizing that. Nothing easy about traveling on a donkey when you’re about to give birth and then going through labor in a stable. It wasn’t difficult for Jesus though. He didn’t know the difference between being born among stinky animals and being born in a birthing room with soft music playing. Nothing bad happens to Jesus leading up to Christmas.

It’s not that way with Easter. Before we get to the good part on Sunday, He has to go through Thursday and Friday. We can’t enjoy the anticipation of Jesus coming back to life without first anticipating his suffering and death.

Easter wouldn’t be so bad if they had just killed Him quickly. Instead of arresting Him and putting Him through all those trials, it would have been better if they’d just sent an assassin to do the dirty work. Get it over with quick. No pain. No heartache, at least not for Jesus.

That way we could avoid the betrayal by Judas. We wouldn’t have to watch the disciples run for their lives and leave Jesus alone. There would be no mocking or spitting or punching Jesus in the face. His back wouldn’t be torn open by the whip and He wouldn’t have to carry His own cross. There’d be no nails and no humiliation.

Easter would be a better time if it was more like Christmas.

I just don’t like the anticipation of Jesus suffering. Is it because I caused it? Is it because I don’t want to suffer myself?

There’s no other way though. Right before He was arrested, Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may Your will be done.”

It wasn’t possible. The Father made it clear. He didn’t intervene. There was no other way. Jesus had to suffer and die on a cross. No assassin. No magic wand to wave over our sin. No looking the other way to pretend it didn’t exist. Humiliation and a bloody death was the only way.

Only Someone full of grace and mercy and love would have done it that way. Only Someone who had come to save the world, not condemn it.

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