Your Feelings Will Follow Your Focus

What are you facing today? What are you anxious about? What issues are hanging over you like a little black rain cloud?

I’ve got a couple of things. One of them is financial. As often seems to be the case, I don’t see how things will work out. You know what I mean. The needs, the bills, the expenses are more than the income…or projected income.

And once again, that’s where I get myself in trouble. It’s in the “projecting.” I rarely look at a difficult situation and immediately assume God is about to come through. Instead, I begin to project and anticipate the worst.

You would think that after 27 years of knowing God that I’d quit doing that. You’d think.

Faith is simply acknowledging the situation, but also acknowledging God is bigger, wiser and stronger than my circumstances. It’s remembering that He has either allowed them or orchestrated them. In either case, He’s using them to grow my faith, deepen my relationship with Him and glorify Himself.

And with God, time is irrelevant. It’s never too late with God. Deadlines and due dates never sneak up on Him. He sees all, knows all, controls all. He knows what I need and when I need it. Would I like to have a full bank account now? Absolutely. Would I like to see how and when things will be taken care of? Sure I would, but then faith wouldn’t be required. And if faith isn’t required, then I miss an opportunity to see God do what only He can do. I miss being able to please Him by exercising faith, not worry and fear.

Choose to believe God today. Reject the tendency to panic or give in to fear when you can’t see the solution. God sees what you need. He knows when you need it. If you don’t see Him working or don’t have what you need today, just remember…He’s still trustworthy and His timing is perfect.

Focusing on your circumstances will only lead to worry, anxiety and fear. Focus on God’s character and promises–it will lead to peace.

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