Blaming God

Here’s how warped my thinking is…

A few days ago, before she left for a friend’s house, one of my children informed me the dog was outside. Knowing the dog was outside, I couldn’t relax. So I went to the backyard to get the dog back in the house. I think I wanted to watch the NASCAR race in peace.

The dog was highly interested in something she was sniffing, so when I called to her, she wouldn’t come. This not only made me angry, it meant I would need to go get her. As I started across the backyard to grab the dog by the collar, a bug flew into my eye.

Immediately, my eye started burning and watering uncontrollably. This went on for at least an hour. I could think of nothing else other than my burning eye…and who was to blame. Was it my daughter? The dog? Or both?

Someone must be blamed. That seems to be my worldview. Things don’t “just happen.” Someone is at fault.

Sometimes I blame God for things. Take the bug in the eye for example–God knew where the bug was going to be and where I was going to be. Couldn’t He have moved the bug an inch or two? That’s not too difficult, right?

Okay, in the big scheme of things, the bug thing doesn’t matter. My eye is fine. But a car accident matters. So does a tornado. Couldn’t God have done something?

And so I’m amazed by the last verse of Job 1:

In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

All this? Well, Job had just learned that his wealth was gone and his children were dead. In one day. He went from rich and powerful to broke and broken. And yet He didn’t blame God. He did not charge God with wrongdoing.

I charge God with wrongdoing for a lot less than what Job went through.

I could learn a few things from Job.

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