Seeking and Finding God

For a long time, I’ve assumed it should be easy to seek and find God. I’ve been wrong though. Can you think of any good or worthwhile activity that’s easy? Eating healthy and staying in good physical condition requires planning, commitment and hard work. Doing well at your job and advancing in your career can […]

The Two Most Important Commandments

There’s something we have to understand about God before we can understand anything else. It’s a foundational belief on which all other beliefs are built. And if we fail to correctly understand it, we will misunderstand almost everything about God, ourselves and this life on planet earth. So here it is…here’s the thing we absolutely […]

Whose Opinion Matters More?

According to Merriam-Webster, an “opinion” is: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter. One person’s opinion on a movie may be very different than another person’s opinion. I’ve heard many people rave about the film, Les Miserables, but also know several women who walked out part way through the […]

Grace and Peace

I realized a number of years ago that I really don’t want to walk by faith. That’s a problem because God says things like: “We live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 “And without faith it is impossible to please God…” Hebrews 11:6 Walking or living by faith means I won’t always see […]

The Tragedy of a Life Without Purpose

Why are you here? On earth, I mean. Why do you exist? If the atheist is right, then questions of meaning or purpose are irrelevant. If the universe exists purely by chance, then you and I have no purpose. Of course, we could each assign a purpose to our own lives, but there’s nothing beyond […]

Who Do You Need to Ignore?

I learned a number of years ago that well-meaning people sometimes need to be ignored. Good people, nice people can sometimes be the most discouraging. God was leading me to take a step of faith. A big one. And the more I obeyed and trusted Him, the more He confirmed I was doing the right […]