Are You Tormenting Yourself?

Worry: to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts. To give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. To torment oneself. To dwell on difficulty or troubles. Do you do that? Do you worry? I hate to admit it, but I do. It’s a serious character flaw. […]

The Best is Yet to Come

Someone I used to work with was killed by a tornado last night along with two of his children. He leaves behind a wife and seven children. Others I know suffered damage to their homes. A friend with cancer seems to be getting worse, not better, despite numerous rounds of chemotherapy and now experimental drugs. […]

The Zombie-Like Christian Life

Let’s be honest. How would you describe your Christian life? Would you describe it as frustrating or fulfilling? Are you most often discouraged and defeated or joyful and hopeful? Do you feel like God is more disappointed or delighted in you? If the Christian life hasn’t been working so well, take a moment and read […]

Change Your Identity to Change Your Marriage

I love watching the Olympics. I especially love the winter games. Every event is fascinating to me. I’m in awe of anyone who can cross country ski 18 miles. Or ski down a mountain at 70 miles per hour. Or do a 1080 on a snowboard. Years of dedication and hard work go into competing […]

Pulling Back the Curtain

Do you ever wonder why God does some of the things He does? Or doesn’t do other things? I do. Do you ever ask, “Why God?” or “God, where are You?” I do. Let’s be honest, we don’t have God figured out. And never will. In fact, in Isaiah 55:8-9, God says: “For my thoughts […]

What Are You Believing God For?

Early in his reign as king over Israel, God appeared to Solomon and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Jesus once asked a blind man, “What do you want me to do for you?” Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge so he’d be an effective leader. Not surprisingly, the blind man […]

God’s View of Pleasure

What does God think about pleasure? How would you answer that? How would your friends or co-workers answer? I think many would tell us God is anti-pleasure. They might say God is mainly interested in having us follow His rules…rules that are meant to prohibit any sort of pleasure or fun. And that’s a tragedy, […]

Failed New Year’s Resolutions

We’re a week into the new year. If you made any resolutions, how are you doing? Maybe your goal is to get more organized or stop spending so much or begin making more time for family. Maybe it’s to exercise more and eat less. I’m always sad to see the Christmas season end, but I […]