Too late for what? That’s the real question.
Is it too late to get better grades in college? It is for me.
Is it too late to invest in that stock that was trading at $10/share and grew to $100/share and split three times? Yup, too late.
Is it too late to enjoy your kids when they were little? It is if they’re grown like mine are.
Is it too late to build a great marriage or enjoy the work you do? Maybe not.
In my last post, I talked about the end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4 in my life and marriage. Season 3 was raising a family for three decades. That season ended when Amy left for Germany two weeks ago today.
What’s hitting me is the reality that season 3 is over. Done. Can’t go back. No “do-overs” allowed.
Because Robyn and I have been investing in our marriage for thirty years, we’re excited about season 4. We have a strong bond. We’re best friends. We enjoy a fun and passionate sex life. We have great relationships with our adult kids and love being grandparents. We share a common mission to advance God’s kingdom in Northwest Arkansas.
But as for season 3…those three decades of raising our children…it’s too late to change anything. What’s been done is done. What’s been said is said. We’re still involved in the lives of our children, but those formative years of parenting are now history. There’s no going back.
What about your marriage and family? What about the work you do? What about your dreams?
It may be too late for some things, but it doesn’t mean it’s too late for everything.
My friend, Jeff, and I recently recorded one of our Entrepreneur on Purpose Quote of the Day podcasts. We discussed something business and marketing consultant, Steve Sorenson said:
“What woke me up and set me afire was the realization that had I died at that moment, my tombstone would read, ‘He Had Potential.'”
Do you have unrealized potential? To be an amazing husband or wife? Father or mother? Teacher? Author? Entrepreneur?
It might not be too late…if you get started today. Keep in mind God’s promise in Romans 8:28…
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
I’ve put together a list of “Fifteen Questions to Tap Into Your Potential…Before It’s Too Late.” These fifteen questions will help you identify what’s most important, uncover your passion and implement a plan to avoid a life of regret. Just click the button to get your free copy: