My Wife Walked Into My Office and Said…

“You should give people more than one day.”

Robyn was talking about an email I sent about the pre-sale for my new video course. Her suggestion was to make the pre-sale three days, not one.

“Some people didn’t open their email until last night or maybe they haven’t opened it yet.”

Huh. Maybe I should have consulted with her before I started the countdown timer.

So I want to apologize for not giving you enough time to check out the course, talk with your spouse and decide if it’s right for you.

If you’re not even sure what I’m talking about…I’m releasing a video course, “How to Understand Your Spouse and Transform Your Marriage” on November 30th. As an email subscriber or someone who reads my blog, you can order it now at the pre-sale discount of 75%.

The pre-sale was set to end Monday night at midnight, but I’m following Robyn’s suggestion to make the pre-sale last a few days, not one.

You can click here to learn more about the course and order it, if you’d like.

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