Spiritual Warning Zone

I came across a road sign the other day that warned:

Road Closed When Under Water

Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

I think the older I get, the more I appreciate road signs. I want to know when a sharp turn or steep decline is approaching…especially at night…in the rain. When conditions are dangerous or potentially dangerous…I appreciate a heads-up.

Life is like that, too. There are danger zones that require a warning. I like to know what they are.

As we choose to draw near to God, we can count on opposition. Don’t be surprised by it. Definitely don’t be discouraged by it. It’s probably confirmation you’re on the right path. It is important to be aware of it though.

Remember how Jesus described our enemy in John 8:44…

“He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

What will he lie about? Everything. He’ll lie about your standing before God. He’ll lie about God’s love for you. He’ll lie about God’s character. He’ll lie about the consequences of sin. He’ll lie about anything and everything. His goal is to create distance between you and God.

He is scheming (Ephesians 6:11) to keep you from drawing near during these 40 days. He knows just what will keep you away. What will distract you. What will discourage you. What will tempt you.

Be sure of this though, he will be covert. Don’t expect him to show up as the face of evil. No, he’s more crafty and subtle than that. In 2 Corinthians 11:14, Paul wrote, “…Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”

What are we to do?

First, don’t quit. Don’t give up. Decide now to persevere. Expect some obstacles and difficulties, but don’t let them stop you.

Second, believe the truth. There’s no other way. We must know, believe and act on the truth. Being in God’s word, the Bible, is absolutely essential.

Enjoy the journey ahead. Just be alert, too.

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