“It’s Never Been This Bad”

It seems that way, doesn’t it? Racial tensions are high. Radical Islamic terrorists are killing innocent people in more and more countries. Political divisions in the United States run deep. The federal government continues to run up debt with no end in sight. Behaviors that used to be wrong are now seen as right and […]

What Do You Expect God to Do?

Don’t you love it when someone exceeds your expectations? It could be your spouse who prepares your favorite meal while you relax. Or a server in a restaurant who anticipates your needs and meets them. It could be an online retailer who ships your order sooner than you expected. On the other hand, it can […]

The Best is Yet to Come

Someone I used to work with was killed by a tornado last night along with two of his children. He leaves behind a wife and seven children. Others I know suffered damage to their homes. A friend with cancer seems to be getting worse, not better, despite numerous rounds of chemotherapy and now experimental drugs. […]

Why Isn’t the Christian Life Working?

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The Greek word that gets translated “full” means: exceeding some number or measure or rank or need, over and above, more than is necessary, superadded, exceeding abundantly, supremely, something further, more, much more than all, more plainly, superior, extraordinary, […]

Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe

One of the best feelings in the world is watching your children take their first steps. I loved sitting on the floor opposite Robyn and watching as our kids would attempt to make it across the room from one of us to the other. “Come on! You can do it!” I think when we’re taking […]

Reflections From a Road Trip

Several days ago, I flew to Seattle, so I could make the drive back to Northwest Arkansas with my daughter, Erica. She’s going to live with us for a month or so while her husband is in Army Ranger training at Ft. Benning. Our drive took 37 hours over three days and covered over 2,300 […]

Praying for a Breakthrough

I used to pray for “breakthroughs.” For God to do something big, something unmistakeable to change my circumstances. Do you pray that way? My breakthrough prayers usually sounded something like this: “O Lord, You see my situation! I really need You to come through! I need a breakthrough today!” If it’s not finances for you, […]

Grace and Peace

I realized a number of years ago that I really don’t want to walk by faith. That’s a problem because God says things like: “We live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 “And without faith it is impossible to please God…” Hebrews 11:6 Walking or living by faith means I won’t always see […]

The Tragedy of a Life Without Purpose

Why are you here? On earth, I mean. Why do you exist? If the atheist is right, then questions of meaning or purpose are irrelevant. If the universe exists purely by chance, then you and I have no purpose. Of course, we could each assign a purpose to our own lives, but there’s nothing beyond […]