Who’s the Crazy One Here?

You’re at a party and the wine runs out, but there’s a guy there who doesn’t see water when he looks at water, he sees wine.

Your brother dies, but a friend of yours tells you it’s going to be okay, that’s he’s not really dead…even though he’s been dead for a few days.

You and some others find yourselves stranded in the desert. No food. No water. Not to worry, you get word that water will gush from a rock and food will magically appear in the morning.

You’re old enough to be a great-grandparent, but you’ve never been able to have a baby. Then someone says you’re going to give birth.

Your best friend is about to be executed (for a crime he didn’t commit). He tells you it’s fine. He’s planning to come back to life in a few days anyway.

Money is tight. Really tight. No way you’re going to make it. Then someone says to give some of your money away…and that if you do, you’ll have enough.

You’ve got enemies. People who’ve hurt you. People who have cheated you and taken advantage of you. You want revenge. Then someone tells you the best way to handle these people is to love them.

It’s been a busy day. You couldn’t even stop to eat lunch. Your friend recognizes you need some rest and invites you to come with him. He takes you out on the lake! But things get crazy again when you get to shore. 5,000 people show up right at dinner time. Your idea is to get rid of them, but your friend wants to feed them…with five loaves of bread and two fish, which don’t even belong to him.

Only a crazy person is so out of touch with reality that they talk and act this way. Or a “God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” (Romans 4:17b)

Does your situation feel hopeless? It’s not to God. He’s the One who calls things that are not as though they were.

So if the God who rules over the universe calls things that are not as though they were, but you continue to focus on the impossibility of your circumstances…who’s the crazy one here?

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