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Reid Hall (University of Arkansas)

Reid Hall (University of Arkansas)

As I write this, it’s a little after 5:30 p.m. I’m sitting on the patio in front of our house. I just took this picture of a women’s dorm across the street. It’s empty now, but in a few weeks, it will be filled with young women attending the University of Arkansas.

Robyn, my wife, and I live across the street from the campus so we can be near students. She’s the director of Young Life here. We’ve had some of her student leaders staying with us for the past few days. We love being able to host them. They could be doing a lot of things this summer, but they’re investing their lives in advancing God’s kingdom.

Twenty-four years ago at this time, I was getting ready to head off to Cornell in upstate New York. I was one of the many college students who quits going to church once they leave home. Fortunately, God is in the business of seeking out students even when they’re not seeking Him.

During my freshman year, a staff member with a campus ministry explained to me how I could know God through His Son, Jesus Christ. It made complete sense to me…and I believed…and my life was changed.

God is still changing lives. He’ll change the lives of some of the students who will live in that dorm you see. Want to know how you can be a part of what God is about to do? Email Robyn at robynstutts@gmail.com.

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